It’s that time of year, the time of love, the time where we take a moment to extend an act of appreciation to our loved ones. I think it is actually quite terrific to be on the giving and the receiving end of Valentine’s. It is really fun for me and we keep it low-key in my world so no one feels any guilt or anxiety about over-the-top giving or receiving. BUT I extend the invitation to you to GIVE to YOURSELF. One of the first things we learn in Healing Touch is that we have to be aware of your own self-care.
I recommend that you look at yourself and give YOU what YOU LOVE! Like…a massage? A Healing Treatment? A friend lunch or dinner? Popcorn and a movie? A walk outside? A nail treatment? A cookie? A great book? A glass of wine or beer? A meditative moment? Dry brush your body (towards your heart)? Spiritual books? Meditative Music? A LONG bath? Lovely oils or lotions? Go for a run? Work out? Laugh? Pet your pets? Pick your fav’s on Spotify or Pandora? Pick fun band to listen to? Go to a gallery? Go to a show? Look at cars? The important thing is that YOU VALUE YOU, that you take moment to love yourself!
You see, if we take some time for ourselves to relax and unwind ALL the folks in our world of school, work, family and friends benefit BECAUSE we come away with a much more grounded and centered view of our place in the world. We are, plainly, much happier. For indeed, happiness is really about our own inner being and giving ourselves the attention we need, the LOVE we need and the ACCEPTANCE we crave in order to be the creative beautiful geniuses that we all are.
So, readers, LOVE yourselves on this Valentine’s Day and every day as you walk this journey through life.
‘Til the next time-Rosie.