
Whether you look at yourself, your environment or your relationships there are so many ways to help yourself heal. Enjoy the videos and articles about self-healing and become empowered to live your best life.

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My Passion for Healing

Why am I Teaching and Practicing Energy Healing and Meditation?  There I was, a Mom (now Grammy), Reading Teacher and now Energy Healer!  As I learned how energy healing helped my clients I literally felt compelled to "SHOUT IT TO THE…
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Why Create an Instructional Guide for Chakras, Meditation and Healing?

Why have an Instructional Guide to I AM a Rainbow, I AM Within and I AM Healer?  First, it so very helpful for you, as a parent, teacher or group spiritual leader.  This guide has activities that complement each chakra; sample meditations…
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Renovation, Renewal, Rebuild, Revive

OOO hah! It's done. I have  totally completed my "lower level renovation" that includes a  conference room, small kitchen area, book selections and a calm healing area. Have you ever had something you were working on FOR YEARS and it just…
How to Make an Energy Ball with Roseanne Script - Rosie's Readers
Healing Touch for Children
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How Will Healing Work?

Today I was asked if healing would help a friend's family member with epilepsy. That is a really good question. The answer is that healing helps with the intention that you set together with your client. So YES, Healing Touch does help. But…
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Healings at any Age

I recently had healings with a 72 year old and 78 year old. I was asked , "How old is too old any how young can a person be?"  What? There are no age limits. Truly! People come from all walks of life and all ages to experience Healing Touch…
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Energy Balancing with Four Year Old

Can we help balance the energy of children? Absolutely! Today I had the pleasure of helping a four year old learn about balancing and centering. He was amazing. We discussed breath first and he practiced making a buddha belly as he breathed…