How to Begin an Energy Healing
Perfect Question. Energy healing must start with centering. One of the things we can do is read up on the many qualities of a centered person. Just for starters, a person is calm and relaxed when centered, able to think more clearly. Solutions to problems just “pop” into our consciousness when we center. Children are able to focus on what is the topic at hand.
Referring to my training in Healing Touch, we call it heart-centering. We think about love and breathe in white light. We allow troubles and worries to be released as we breathe out. We breathe in happiness and bliss. The teacher in my book “I AM Healer” tells the children to allow themselves to got to a peaceful place in their minds, imaging the colors, shapes, scents and shadows. This helps us center ourselves as we get ready to focus on intention, the next step in Energy Healing. Of course, it is understood that Healing Touch requires nearly 5 years for certification and one must work in the field on Energy Healing and Light as a Reiki Practitioner for years to become skilled, but just as an entry point for you curious readers, start with centering. Look at this clip below and check out my books for more…
til the next time-Rosie