
A belief is a thought that you keep on thinking. Beliefs and programs and learned in childhood and influence our decision throughout out lives. Some have even been passed from generation to generation.

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Healing Touch for Children
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How Will Healing Work?

Today I was asked if healing would help a friend's family member with epilepsy. That is a really good question. The answer is that healing helps with the intention that you set together with your client. So YES, Healing Touch does help. But…
Year, New You
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New Year, New You

Here we are, 2016! Yeah! Well, now that resolutions have made their way into our thought patterns, let us look at our own new spiritual directions for the year. What does 2016 hold  for you? Take inventory, if you don't know where to start. Let's…
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How Does an Energy Field Feel?

It is truly remarkable to sit with a group of people as they experience the feeling of their own energy field.   My first trained experience was in 1998 as I took my first Healing Touch class. When the instructor said to "sense what you…
Baby Evelyn in a Leopard Costume
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Rebirth and Spirituality

As I gaze into my baby granddaughter's eyes, I reflect on the similarities of birth and the renewal of spirituality in the world.  Both require a certain amount of labor, the labor of spirituality often lies in the commitment to reading and…
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Sharing Energy Healing with Community

I had the absolute delight this month to reach out to a random group of people gathered to hear my presentation about energy healing in a local library. There were about fifteen people present, each brimming with curiosity about the local…
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The Inner You

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Loving and Happy Children

Being the mother of two and educator of thousands I have had the pleasure of meeting and observing many loving and happy children. So what makes a happy and loving child? Somewhere in their wonderful existences these children have had experiences…