I had the absolute delight this month to reach out to a random group of people gathered to hear my presentation about energy healing in a local library. There were about fifteen
people present, each brimming with curiosity about the local healer (that would be me!)
It was an evening of fun, as they all are. Lots of shared information about Healing Touch, my main method of providing treatment to my clients, examples of results, playing with energy balls and sensing the human energy field. What a delight it was to see their expressions as they felt and described their energy field to the others! How amazed they were as they felt a stranger’s field! For indeed, we all are able to sense not only our own field, but others as well.
Of course, an introduction to your field, does not a healer make, however, it is the first step to a paradigm shift about our own ability to feel better. Once you have felt the energy there is no denying it and no turning back-unless you somehow want to pretend the experience never happened!
So, try it. Start with centered breathing. Three cleansing breaths generally does the trick. Now, rub your hands together for a few minutes until they feel warm. Pull them apart and bring them together, but do NOT touch them. Push and pull for a bit to see what you feel and give language to it. An example is given in my book I AM Healer as Joey and Marissa create their energy balls for the first time. Whether adults or children, it is an amazing eye-opening event. See where this line of thinking takes you. Do it with your children. Have fun with it! Blessings. Till the next time -Rosie