Care of the self is imperative to healing. It is also imperative if you want to be a healer.  The self needs the love that is often given to others. Balance is necessary-love, work, play, care, romance, exercise, quiet time. When I started healing, my teachers said that if we are not ready to take care of ourselves firs, then we should pack up and go home!

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Busy, Busy, Busy

We are busy people. We talk a lot and we talk fast. We work hard and long hours. We  burn the candle at both ends. We fit our friends into our busy lives. We wake up earlier to exercise or add time on to our already long days.  We are busy.…
Love Love Love!
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Love, Love, Love

It's that time of year, the time of love, the time where we take a moment to extend an act of appreciation to our loved ones.  I think it is actually quite terrific to be on the giving and the receiving end of Valentine's. It is really fun…
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How Does an Energy Field Feel?

It is truly remarkable to sit with a group of people as they experience the feeling of their own energy field.   My first trained experience was in 1998 as I took my first Healing Touch class. When the instructor said to "sense what you…
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I am so impressed with the number of new clients who are truly part of an awakening to energy healing these days on our beautiful planet. There is no age bracket. People come from teens to octogenarians. Awakening to new concepts about energy…
Alternative Healing for Calming Children - instructional video by author, energy healer, healing touch certified practitioner and teacher Roseanne D'Erasmo Script
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A Family View of Energy Healing

A life moment of energy healing, that's what occurred last night. Erika and Delilah, a mother-daughter team, participated in an Energy Healing Class for Families with myself as instructor. What an absolutely delightful time we had, and such…
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Manage Stress with Self-Care

Let's talk about stress.  Stress has a great impact on our brains and bodies.  It has a myriad of causes, but the good news is, once we identify the triggers, we can modulate the effects of stress for ourselves and our children. Causes can…