Ask and It Is Given by Learning to Manifest Your DesiresThere are many of you out there who already know the story of Esther and Jerry Hicks  (and Abraham) and there are those for whom this is new. This article is for YOU! Welcome to the world of positive thought, vibration and alignment. That is what Abraham teaches us. Basically it is practice with The Law of Attraction, one of the most useful laws we have on our planet. Who is Abraham ? Well, hold onto your hats. Some of you will say “Ok” and others will think,” Yeah, right.” I am not really here to convince you one way or the other. Just to share the message and allow YOU to decide.

In 1986, Esther had her first experience with a group of “angels” who gather together to share the Law of Attraction with the physical plane. These beings of light (anywhere from 12-300) gather around Esther and are able to communicate through her, answering questions and giving guidance.  Why Esther? She has a high, happy, vibration that was open enough to allow the high vibration of Abraham in. Why the name Abraham? Well,  it is a name that is easily identifiable by most people.

Okay, so what happens? Esther goes into a brief meditative state and totally relaxes, allowing the vibration of Abraham to come in. These beings of light talk in plural “we” and give humankind guidance. It is like getting answers from Source Energy (All That Is; God,Goddess, Creator) to help us live a happier, more productive life.  At the first encounter,  Jerry, Esther’s husband (who has now transitioned ) asked many questions about the beginning of mankind, the universe, religions and abundance; taking copious notes. Later Esther and Jerry gathered  these notes to compile books, but I am getting ahead of myself.

Jerry and Esther HicksEsther and Jerry started to share these insights with friends and then went on the road with Abraham presentations. At that time, they had small groups of 25. Now Esther  and Abraham speak to audiences of 200-1000! They have a youtube presence that is freely accessible for all. They have tours and books to share the message. My favorite is Ask and It is Given .

So NOW YOU may go to and do a search on meditations and tap in “meditations”  and you can listen to any one of their 4  major meditations to help you with Health, General well-being, Abundance or Relationships. OR you can tap in a subject like self-worth and see what Abraham has to say. It is SO MUCH FUN,  AND you will get terrific guidance.

OR perhaps you are one of those folks who likes to travel. Abraham and Esther provide super lovely tours to Alaska, Caribbean, Mexico and Europe periodically. Esther spends her life touring cities, providing guidance through Abraham, traveling on cruises  (land or water) AND loving her family and friends.

I highly recommend that you try this out. Start with the General Well-Being meditation and then explore a topic.

‘Til the next time-Rosie.