Books – Feel Good Now w/ Reflection Guide
Coursework in Energy Healing for the Beginning Healer
Coursework in Energy Healing for the Beginning Healer
‘Feel Good Now’ is coursework in energy healing for the beginning healer, complete with a reflection guide leading you through poignant questions about your chakras, meditation, and your own energy work.
It presents an explanation of energy systems, practice meditations and different beginning healing techniques, within a simple format and reflection guide to facilitate shared discussion.
‘Feel Good Now’ represents an opportunity for anyone who is interested in Energy Healing to learn the basics in an easy, hands-on manner. Whether you are a novice, a healer, a chiropractor, a teacher, a physical therapist, a yoga instructor or health professional ‘Feel Good Now’ will open the doors to an unseen world of tremendous healing power that you may have never previously realized.
This book clearly presents the seven major chakras, their attributes and functions; the Human Aura, Meditation in its most simplistic format, and Energy Healing, complete with some history of energy healing and actual examples for you to practice. The body has an innate sense of healing and the practitioner becomes the boost that helps the energy move towards healing.
We all have the skill of energy healing ‘Feel Good Now’ connects you with that skill in a simple yet profound manner. A Reflection Guide accompanies this book for an optimal learning experience.