Roseanne’s Story
Inspired by her dad, Rosie played with energy beams as a young girl
Inspired by her dad, Rosie played with energy beams as a young girl
I “played “ with energy beams around me. Not having any idea what it was, I approached it with an open heart, with no clue as to where it would lead. My Dad, John Anthony D’Erasmo led me to Edgar Cayce books at sixteen which prompted me to read more about Healing, a topic I never tire of, and seemed drawn to, even at that young age.
In 1998 my Dad was having open heart surgery in Sarasota, Florida. Concerned about his condition, I lovingly held my hands over him, moving them along his torso, with the healing color of green in mind. His vitals, which had been erratic, became stabilized and his breathing became easy and rhythmic.
My sister, who is a nurse, asked,” What are you doing?”
“I am sending loving energy to Dad, “ was my reply.
Dad awoke and said,” Put that warm blanket around me again, honey.”
My sister said, “ The room is filled with tingles. What’s happening?”
I could only conclude that the warm blanket was the “blanket of love and energy” that I was sending Dad as we made no other changes in his physical setting. Dad had surgery and healed. While staying in his lovely Florida Park Setting, I visited one of his neighbors, who gave me my first energetic healing in the form of a Reiki treatment. When she reached my hands, she said, “Child, you must do something with these hands, they are a gift.” I asked her what she meant and she told me to look up energy healing upon my return to Buffalo. She suggested that I try hospice or the AIDS Foundation. My first reaction was, “Why do we have to be really ill in order to be open to energy work?”
Well, that has become my mantra and my inspiration as I was led to Inspiration Point, a Buffalo-based book store with material on enlightenment and healing. There, I learned about the variety of choices for training in the energetic healing field. There is Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, Healing Touch, Quantum Healing, EFT, and Lomilomi, among others.
So, my training began. By 2002, I was certified as a Healing Touch Practitioner, a program designed with nurses in mind, but open to those who were interested in a love-centered intentional energy healing program. I chose Healing Touch because of its tough requirements for certification. Nurses may take the courses for continuing education credit and it is endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), endorsed and approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Body Work (NCBTMB) and the NCCA: National Commission for Certifying Agencies. Being an educator, I respect a program with stringent guidelines and consistency of instruction with a Certification Board. .
I also became certified as a Reiki Master (Japanese energetic healing), Lomilomi (Hawaiian healing) and Therapeutic Touch, developed by Dolores Krieger, a leader in the energetic field. I read continuously about the energetic field and have my own practice.
I am so excited to share this work with the world. I am author of three books for those new to energy healing and parents/teachers and children which provide information about the human energy system. Retired from education in 2010, I now devote my time to seminars, healings and writing.