How Will Healing Work?
Today I was asked if healing would help a friend's family member with epilepsy. That is a really good question. The answer is that healing helps with the intention that you set together with your client. So YES, Healing Touch does help. But…
Worldwide Directory of Healing Touch Practitioners
Healing Touch Certified Professionals can be located throughout the United States. It is important to work with qualified and certified professionals in the area of Energy Healing. Rosie is certified in Healing Touch and a Master Reiki Teacher…
How Does an Energy Field Feel?
It is truly remarkable to sit with a group of people as they experience the feeling of their own energy field. My first trained experience was in 1998 as I took my first Healing Touch class. When the instructor said to "sense what you…
I am so impressed with the number of new clients who are truly part of an awakening to energy healing these days on our beautiful planet.
There is no age bracket. People come from teens to octogenarians. Awakening to new concepts about energy…