Energy Healing

Energy healing is the process of becoming whole; mind, body, spirit.Using energy within and around us, an energy healer can help another balance his/her field.  There are many modalities and training where one can learn energy healing. Among them are Healing Touch, Theta, Reiki, & Lomilomi.

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Sharing Energy Healing with Community

I had the absolute delight this month to reach out to a random group of people gathered to hear my presentation about energy healing in a local library. There were about fifteen people present, each brimming with curiosity about the local…
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The Inner You

As we are still in the nuances of the New Year, I thought it appropriate to encourage each and every one of us to get in touch with the inner being within and around us. It's funny, but in actuality, it is simply looking at the "all" of us,…
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A Family View of Energy Healing

A life moment of energy healing, that's what occurred last night. Erika and Delilah, a mother-daughter team, participated in an Energy Healing Class for Families with myself as instructor. What an absolutely delightful time we had, and such…
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Vocabulary for Healing Energy

CHAKRAS It has occurred to me that there are vocabulary terms used in energy healing that may be new to my readers. First, let's review chakras. A chakra is an energy point in the human biofield, or energy around each person. There are…
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Healing Experience: Breast Cancer and Rotator Cuff

So, would you like to hear a stories of  a healing experience? After the intensive Healing Touch Program Training of five years, I offered my sessions to the public as part of Buffalo Healing Therapies. Of particular interest is a client…