Lomilomi: The Hawaiian term for touch-therapy body work, or the sacred shift within you when inspired by a trained Lomilomi healer, raising your vibration and all that is around you.
Lomilomi means energy healing that can actually change the receiver’s mind, body and spirit. (Feel Good Now p 101). The trained Hawaiian healer is called kahuna and is able to teach Lomilomi to those who are willing and eager to participate with the esoteric plane.
When learning Lomilomi you will experience the “Ha” breath ( Feel Good Now, p. 102) and bone washing. The focus of the healer is a critical piece to a successful healing.
In Buffalo NY I had the wonderful experience of being trained by Harry Jim, a Hawaiian kahuna who shares his gifts around the world. The experience was so enlightening and uplifting, certainly an area of healing that will bring much joy to practitioners and participants.
‘Til the next time-Rosie