So, would you like to hear a stories of a healing experience? After the intensive Healing Touch Program Training of five years, I offered my sessions to the public as part of Buffalo Healing Therapies. Of particular interest is a client I had early on who was facing breast removal and reconstruction. She asked that I help her through the surgery and recovery. This beautiful woman came every week as she healed but was very concerned about a spot on her lung the doctors were watching. We focused on her highest good and I specifically used laser and ultra sound energy healing techniques during her experience. To her delight, after her two month checkup, the doctors searched and searched but could no longer find the lung spot! It never came back! She credited her healing experience with the fantastic outcome. I know that the light energy comes through me and moves to her own energy field for her highest good. Ultimately, it is her own ability to practice and absorb the energy that made such a huge difference. As healers, we are the catalyst, the light, the link to healing. It is now 12 years later and she is doing well, still checking in for a healing experience every six months.
Here is another experience I am sharing. A young man was facing rotator cuff surgery and was VERY concerned about upcoming football tryouts. He asked to come for a healing treatment every week and was committed to meditating. His tryouts were in 6 weeks and the arm would not be ready for use for 8 weeks. Once again, to everyone’s delight, he was cleared for tryouts and went on to become a member of the football team in his Pennsylvania college. According to research, Healing Touch decreases the time for healing, sometimes by 50%. I love this work!
‘Til the next time.-Rosie