Sharing Energy Healing with Community
I had the absolute delight this month to reach out to a random group of people gathered to hear my presentation about energy healing in a local library. There were about fifteen
people present, each brimming with curiosity about the local…
The Confident Child
What makes a child confident? You know the ones-you see them walk with an air about themselves. Other children are drawn to them. They exude confidence, well-being and strength. So, how are they different? Why do they "get it" and others…
Teaching Kids to Relax
We can teach ourselves and our kids how to relax. Relaxation is at the heart of what makes us feel good. When we are in a relaxed state, we are open to new ideas, thoughts,
inspiration or even the solutions to whatever ails us. We are simply…
The Inner You
As we are still in the nuances of the New Year, I thought it appropriate to encourage each and every one of us to get in touch with the inner being within and around us. It's funny, but in actuality, it is simply looking at the "all" of us,…
Loving and Happy Children
Being the mother of two and educator of thousands I have had the pleasure of meeting and observing many loving and happy children. So what makes a happy and loving child? Somewhere in their wonderful existences these children have had experiences…
Letting Go, the Art of Allowing
Or, as the adage goes, out with the old, in with the new. But why is letting go so difficult? What makes us hold on to that which is not working? Well. we are humankind and we work or TRY very hard to MAKE things work, but the state of allowing…
Alternative Healing for Calming Children
Healing With Gratitude
Thanksgiving is the time of year we purposefully and consciously reflect on our lives with gratitude. Of course, I look with gratitude on family and friends especially as a new soul, Evelyn , joins us. There are so many troubles in our world…
Vocabulary for Healing Energy
It has occurred to me that there are vocabulary terms used in energy healing that may be new to my readers. First, let's review chakras. A chakra is an energy point in the human biofield, or energy around each person. There are…
Healing Experience: Breast Cancer and Rotator Cuff
So, would you like to hear a stories of a healing experience? After the intensive Healing Touch Program Training of five years, I offered my sessions to the public as part of Buffalo Healing Therapies. Of particular interest is a client…