Roseanne Script with her Instructional Guide to Accompany I AM a Rainbow, I AM Within, I AM Healer: Chakras, Meditation and Energy HealingWhy have an Instructional Guide to I AM a Rainbow, I AM Within and I AM Healer?  First, it so very helpful for you, as a parent, teacher or group spiritual leader.  This guide has activities that complement each chakra; sample meditations and “playful” actions that help both the adult and child feel energy around the body.  You also will have access to coloring pages that accompany each book.

In this day and age of more home instruction and high anxiety, parents and teachers alike will benefit from the clear, explicit ideas to help create a dialogue with your children about energy healing or meditation or chakras. Each book is unique, yet provides a basic background as you and your students or children peruse the idea of energy around the physical body.  There are also physical activities  and meditations for each chakra and a tutoring chest that gives you a quick glance and chakra balances and imbalances.

You will have additional guidance as you discuss meditations with children  and I have included a daily schedule with activities so you can easily pace your discussions and instruction.