Healthy Lentils Recipe with Spaghetti Squash

Time to eat healthy. And you know what is quite interesting? You can choose foods to help support your chakra system.  For example here’s lentil soup with vegetables over a bed of spaghetti squash.  For those of you who have not yet tried this wonderful yellow squash, it is SUPER easy and SUPER delicious.

Healthy Lentils Recipe with Spaghetti Squash

AND you are supporting  healthy Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras. The colors are red, orange and yellow AND the squash and lentils help clear out your digestive system, which flows through all  these chakras.

Here’s how to make this:
1 spaghetti squash
1 TBL olive oil
A few shakes of grated Pecorino Romano
A shake of garlic powder, onion powder and crushed red pepper.
1 can Progresso lentil vegetable soup

What to do?
Cut squash in half lengthwise and gut out the  seeds. Put in small bowl with a cup of water and microwave 5 min. Turn over and go for another 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook your healthy Progresso lentils with veggies stovetop.

Drain squash and now take a fork and run it along the inside of the squash. Voila! Healthy veggie spaghetti. Plate on 3 plates.

Add the seasonings to lentils.  Pour over the squash and add a drizzle of olive oil to each plate along with a generous sprinkle of cheese. Enjoy! Yum !

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