
I am in Charge of How I Feel
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Got Trouble? Hands Off and Go for Happiness

So what does this mean? If I have trouble, I should DO something about it, right? I should FIX it or talk about it or try to find people to help me. Nope. I know this is contrary to the common way of thinking but try this on and see if it…
Roseanne Script Buffalo, NY
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Spring Forward with Momentum

Spring into action with forward motion! Increase your momentum! How do I do this when I am feeling in a funk you ask? Well, first of all, forgive yourself for your funk-it happens and usually with good reason. However, STOP focusing on that…
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Garbage Out and Being in Rhythm

The last couple of days a few things have happened that have made me feel like I am totally out of rhythm.  YET I am REALLY  meditating and going within and focusing on the good things in life. So what's up with my rhythm? So, here's what…
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Feeling Happy at Holiday Time

I was walking my dog today and while I walked the neighborhood I was thinking about what makes me feel happy.  A lot has been written about happiness.  Happiness Now by Robert Holden   calls us to be focused on the now and live in appreciation.…
Florida Sunset
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How to Focus on What's Important

This "focus"  may be different from what you expect. You see,  it is knowing what is important  that is key.   Trust the Universe to yield back what is good for you.   But you must first line up with it and BE that in your own life.…
Jumping for joy
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Happy Endings, New Beginnings

Sometimes we are lucky and have a happy ending.  Like "my dog survived his trauma"  (which he did-yeah!!!) or "my lover left, but I met somebody new" which is an opportunity for a new beginning!  For those of us who look at the stars, Jupiter…