New Intentions, New Creations
Intentions…what is up with that? We hear that we should “set an intention”. We ALWAYS discuss intentions before our
healing sessions. Wayne Dyer wrote “The Power of Intention” to help us understand the significance. So, why the focus…
How Can We Help Ourselves Feel Better
How to Get Grounded in 30 Seconds
Wow! Can you ground yourself that fast? Is this really possible? Well, yes, BUT you DO have to follow some very basic steps to being grounded AND shift your focus. You see, being grounded is really about setting an intention and finding…
The Importance of Setting an Intention
The Importance of Centering & Balancing
Teaching Kids to Relax
We can teach ourselves and our kids how to relax. Relaxation is at the heart of what makes us feel good. When we are in a relaxed state, we are open to new ideas, thoughts,
inspiration or even the solutions to whatever ails us. We are simply…
Letting Go, the Art of Allowing
Or, as the adage goes, out with the old, in with the new. But why is letting go so difficult? What makes us hold on to that which is not working? Well. we are humankind and we work or TRY very hard to MAKE things work, but the state of allowing…