The Importance of Setting an Intention
Intention generates a lot of attention these days (LOL). We have the The Secrets of the Power of Intention” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Power of Intention by Wayne W. Dyer, The Intentional Experiment and The Intentional Economy as books celebrating intention. But what does intention setting have to do with healing? EVERYTHING! Once the energy worker is centered and grounded, a common intention is set after having a discussion with you, the client. Of course, the discussion gives information but the REAL energy work is done on the table.
The healer sets the tone, but the information about the best intention does not come just from conversation. It comes from the assessment of the energy field. Once that is complete, both the client and the healer go back to the intention of sharing the healing and make adjustments based on the energetic information. And something happens. It is perfect! It always is exactly what that person needs at that moment in time.
I love, love, love energy healing. I simply am not in charge, but work with my clients and the universal good, listening to all the signals (that is a skill) AND completing the energetic sequence that is for their highest good (another skill). This is all learned through years of training and working with the healing energy. My particular training is with Healing Touch and as a CERTIFIED PRACTITIONER (only 4 in Western NY), for my own Healing Practice: Buffalo Healing Therapies, where I use the foundations with great success and confidence. I also am a Reiki Master, which means I can train others in Reiki. There are many Reiki folks sharing healing in my area and it is good to connect with them as a healing group, as well as use the Reiki energy when called for during healings.
How does intention-setting improve your life? Well, I think it changes your focus. It lifts you up. It gives you a purpose, direction and drive. It helps you move in the direction that is in your highest good. And wouldn’t you want all of that? Well, of course. So, if you have a healer nearby, work with them. If not, as a minimum, at least start THINKING about your directions and writing what your POSITIVE intentions are. Then, clarify them. Write them down. Put them on the fridge or in your wallet. Revisit every day and watch what happens! View the video below to see the power of intention as Joey and Marissa learn about energy healing in my book I AM Healer.
Til the next time-Rosie