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Dissolving into Love

I went to a presentation by Shad Diamond called "Dissolving Into Love"  and left feeling all warm and fuzzy and kind of melty.  So what does it mean:  "dissolving into love"  and when will you use it? Basically it means that there is STUFF…
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Feeling Happy at Holiday Time

I was walking my dog today and while I walked the neighborhood I was thinking about what makes me feel happy.  A lot has been written about happiness.  Happiness Now by Robert Holden   calls us to be focused on the now and live in appreciation.…
Love Love Love!
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Love, Love, Love

It's that time of year, the time of love, the time where we take a moment to extend an act of appreciation to our loved ones.  I think it is actually quite terrific to be on the giving and the receiving end of Valentine's. It is really fun…