Credentials in Energy Healing

Healing Touch Program received the NCCA accreditation  in May of 2014.  This means the Healing Touch Program has met stringent standards required by the governing committee  called the ICE , or Institute for Credentialing Excellence. Well, what does THAT mean? Perfect response. It  means Healing Touch Program has high standards of confidentiality with practitioners who have demonstrated a high degree of skill and knowledge that have public accountability in Energy Medicine, creating safe and excellent client care. THAT is the bottom line, YOUR care as the client. YOUR ability to know that we can be trusted, that you are in safe, knowledgeable, excellent healing hands.


A Healing Touch practitioner who has the credentials of being certified, is dedicated to providing excellent care to not only his/her clients but also to self, because self-care is a critical piece of energy healing.  A Certified Practitioner is committed to lifelong learning in order to maintain the credentials and has had to complete a Proficiency Exam in order to demonstrate best practice in the field of Energy Healing.

I was originally credentialed in 2003 and recently was re-pinned with the new standards of Excellence required but the NCCA. Cynthia Hutchison, one of the Founding Directors pinned me at the World Wide Healing Touch Program in  August of 2014. What an honor!