As we are still in the nuances of the New Year, I thought it appropriate to encourage each and every one of us to get in touch with the inner being within and around us. It’s funny, but in actuality, it is simply looking at the “all” of us, whether it is in, on , or around. For indeed, the inner piece that we are attracted to learning about is our chakra system, our light being selves and our auric layers.  This entire being is who we truly are.

The Teacher and children walk with inner lights glowing

The Teacher and children walk with inner lights glowing

Some folks will say that we are energy within physical, which in a certain perspective, is correct.   But recently,  I believe it was Michael Singer,  who so brilliantly looked at us as energy plus physical. I believe that resonates more with our true selves. For indeed, we are both. I am always thrilled when working with clients, parents and children, when I see that spark of recognition glow in their eyes as they say hello to their inner selves. The concept that it is simply who we are still requires further depth and explanation, but the knowing of their inner being is so evident, it brings tremendous joy. This picture is from my book I Am Within, which takes Marisa and Joey on an adventure into learning about finding the quiet within with the guidance of their Teacher. It is appropriate for classrooms, Yoga Instructors and those who teach the art of going within. Adults and children alike will love it.

Next, I will explore the chakras once again, as we get to know our energetic selves. Until then, Blessings!-Rosie

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