
How you feel about Source, your place in the Universe and connections to the world of spirit influences your energy work.  Videos and articles about spirituality will give you reason to pause and perhaps rethink your own sense of spirituality. It is about the journey. Enjoy it!

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Fall Leaves Change of Season - Change is Good
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Change is Good

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Moving Forward

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How to Focus on What's Important

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Happy Endings, New Beginnings

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Going with the Flow

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How to Get Grounded in 30 Seconds

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Feeling Empowered reaching for new beginnings for spring
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New Beginnings for Spring

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Love Love Love!
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Love, Love, Love

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Year, New You
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New Year, New You

Here we are, 2016! Yeah! Well, now that resolutions have made their way into our thought patterns, let us look at our own new spiritual directions for the year. What does 2016 hold  for you? Take inventory, if you don't know where to start. Let's…